In Kind Donations are those donations made not in money but in products, equipment, services or anything is not cash.

As a Non Profit with various kinds of Projects in our portfolio, we will need a lot of Equipment, Products, Vehicles, Services and even Real Estate to serve our Mission.

In Kind Donations help us achieve those goals that sometimes could be out of our reach even just for a budget reason.

We all have objects we are not using anymore that are collecting dust somewhere.
Those same things can be a blessing for us.

If you think you own something you are willing to donate thinking it could be of help for one or more of our projects (or that we could take care of selling to raise money) it get in contact with us.​

Thank you for your support

Our Priority is finding a headquarter, even just a single room to start could be of great

In Kind Donations

Office Equipment

At the moment we are at the growing stage, our President is allowing the use of his home office, and the staff is already using their personal equipment to fulfill the basic management tasks but soon we will need to lease an office space and furnish it with furniture and office equipment:​PC/Mac desktop or laptop, iPad, monitor/tv, printer/copier, but also desks and office chairs, Files, Shelves, tables and chairs etc.

Office Equipment
Office Equipment
three blue boat docked on seashore during daytime
three blue boat docked on seashore during daytime


Being many of our actual and future projects devoted to Marine Research and development a way to go in the water is a must for our Non Profit.At the moment we do not have specific needs, our priority is the "Fishing with Veterans" project, so a boat able to bring a party of at least five fishing in the Gulf of Mexico for a few hours could be the first step, but also outboard engines, a small trailerable sailboat that we can use to start our Zero Emission Vessel Project or start a new "children at risk" project introducing them to sailing. Not to mention allowing us to eventually use a dock thing that could make us able to work on a bigger boat for the same ZELORAV Project.

Fishing gear and Shooting gear

Having two Veterans group projects that require the use of sporting gear like fishing equipment and shooting equipment, the purchase of such equipment and personal protection equipment can be extremely expensive for us:Fishing rods, Reels, Baits and general fishing equipments, life jackets for adults and children, ear and eye protection, rifle bags, but also ammunition

six black-and-yellow fishing rod in boat
six black-and-yellow fishing rod in boat
Project Sigma Office
Project Sigma Office


We know it is a lot, but we are also looking for a location where we can build wings for our Dreams. We do not require a lot and are very adaptable, even just a little lot of unused empty land could mean a lot for us to start. We do not expect a donation of real estate, even just a temporary use of the premises. We will need an Office, a Shop/Warehouse and enough space to store the Boats for our projects.